The Scientific Method


·         Biology is the study of life. Some of the main areas of biology are

·         Botany – the study of plants

·         Microbiology – the study of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi.

·         Zoology – the study of animals.

·         Biochemistry – the study of chemical reactions and processes in living cells.

·         Genetics – the study of how traits are passed from one generation to the next.

·         Anatomy – the study of organs and systems.


The scientific method is an ordered sequence of investigative steps used by most scientists to explain the events observed in nature.



1.      Observation made

2.      Hypothesis put forward

3.      Prediction made

4.      Hypothesis tested by experiment.

5.      Data from experiment collected and analysed

6.      Check if results support hypothesis.

7.      Repeat experiment.

8.      Theory established.




An experiment is a practical test carried out under very carefully controlled conditions.

Experiments should be well planned and designed so that the hypothesis will be tested properly. There is usually only one variable changed at a time. A suitable control must be designed to compare results. Eg when testing the activity of heated enzymes in saliva the control is unheated saliva. Other unconnected scientists must repeat the work exactly and obtain the same results. The appeal of the hypothesis must not influence the procedures or interpretation of the results.


Avoiding Errors

When testing new medicines large sample sizes give a better chance of gaining the true representative average and rule out individual variations. Subjects should be randomly selected.  In double-blind testing: the investigating scientist and the test subjects do not know which drug is the control or placebo


Limitations of the Effectiveness of the Scientific Method

Insufficient Knowledge: Hypotheses about the cause of many diseases were false until vitamins and microorganisms were discovered.  Method of Investigation: Many secrets of nature remained hidden due to poor instrumentation. Cells, and so the basis structure of living organisms, were not discovered until the development of the microscope.


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